Social and Digital Marketing Professional

DMI Pro/AMA Certification

Exam Prep Course and Micro-Credential

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Online Learning

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Industry Validated Learning

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Roman Sierra

"I am a social media strategist and founder of Genepsis Media, a digital marketing agency with 13 years of experience helping companies achieve success in their digital marketing initiatives. I have successfully managed social media campaigns for several Fortune 500 companies improving efficiency in their digital marketing strategies. My work has benefited companies such as Wal-Mart, Abbott Laboratories, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Rogaine, and Novartis. My career in television allowed me to build strong relationships with different marketing and distribution teams, enabling me to acquire many techniques to attract and engage audiences. While at Bloomberg TV, I produced several newscasts, promos, and demos tailored for different markets in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America. I have also worked as an adjunct instructor with the School of Business Administration and the School of Digital Media at The College of Westchester. I hold a master’s degree in Interactive Media from Quinnipiac University and a bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism from Lehman College, CUNY. I am looking forward to helping you enhance your digital media skills!”

Who should take this course?

Those in traditional marketing careers who are looking to update their skillset.
Marketers working in Management and Senior Management.
Those who have just graduated and want to hit the ground running and up their skills in digital marketing immediately.
Entrepreneurs and small businesses owners.
Anyone hoping to implement an up to date digital strategy for their company.

Prove your knowledge through this micro-credential and enhance your current career path!

Upskill to remain relevant in an ever-changing field, learn key social and digital media marketing strategies and implement them immediately to expand your career and grow your business.

What are the benefits of Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) Pro/AMA Certification?  Two Great Marketing Leaders. One Powerful Course. Get the two top Digital Marketing Certifications in the USA, Canada and Mexico and gain all the power of DMI partnered with the American Marketing Association. Learn with The College of Westchester through CWPro and gain the advantage of over 100 years of career-focused education experience.

The Social and Digital Marketing Professional Certification Micro-Credential course has five modules of material, totaling around 40-50 hours of content that is asynchronous, self-paced, potentially leading to the DMI Pro and American Marketing Association dual certification. To obtain DMI Pro and AMA certification, you will need to obtain 80% overall grade on the assessments in the course, then take the exam at a Pearson testing center and score an 80% or higher.


One Payment



Four Payments



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